- Brooks Range, south of Wiseman1
- Brule River State Forest, campground area; 1 mile SE. of Brule1
- Buffalo1
- Bush's Pasture, Salem1
- Cambridge1
- Carroll1
- Carter1
- Catron1
- Cayuga Lake Basin, Williams Brook glen, southwest corner of Cayuga Lake, Ithaca1
- Central Kohala Mts., vicinity of Puu Laalaau, in area just outside of forest reserve boundary1
- Channel Island, Rib Lake, Temagami1
- Chase S. Osborn Preserve of the University of Michigan, Sugar Island1
- Cheboygan1
- Clinton1
- Colchester1
- Colorado1
- Coos1
- Croton1
- Custer1
- Cypress Creek, ca. 5 miles south of Horseshoe Bay, Howe Sound1