- Aulneau Peninsula, Lake of the Woods1
- Austria1
- Avon Twp1
- Baden-Württemberg1
- Baden-Württemberg. Hardkopf bei Bühl1
- Barnaby Reserve1
- Barry1
- Bavaria (Bayern)1
- Belmont1
- Berkshire1
- Berrien1
- Bertram Twp., S. central side of Sandy Island, Lake Nipissing, Grid-853207 (31 L/4)1
- Bete Grise1
- Between Race Rd. and Welch Lake; R1E, T2S, sect. 13.1
- Between Temiscamie R. and Kallie Lake, P. Q. Lac Albanel Region1
- Big Bend district1
- Big Mannington Hill, near Portertown1
- Birch Island, Isle Royale1
- Bloomingdale Flats1
- Blue Lake Twp., along Twin Lake ("Indian Lake") Rd.; sect. 18-191