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- Pentwater1
- Plattesburg1
- Plymouth1
- Point Lobos Cañon, San Francisco County1
- Puerto Rico1
- Riverdale, near highway M 46, 0.7 m. east of Riverdale Rd.1
- Round Lake, vicinity of Bay View1
- Shillong Peak1
- Sierra de Luguillo, Monte El Toro, trail near headwaters of Rio Espirito Santo1
- Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, East shore of N. Bar Lake1
- South Carolina1
- South end of Bear Lake, east of McLain State Park1
- Sturgeon River State Forest, northeast side of Floodwood-Silver Lake Forest Rd., about 50 m southeast of bridge over Two Mile Creek.1
- Upper Muskegon River1
- Vermilion, bog between dunes and the high land to the southward1
- Wawatam Township1
- Wayne1
- West edge of O'Brien's Pond1
- West of Gibbs City1
- Wyoming [Historical District, Millburn]1