- East end of Watson Lake1
- Godthåb District, Kilaersarfik, Ameragdla1
- Grande-Rivière1
- Head of Hornby Bay, Great Bear Lake1
- Hector1
- Hubbard1
- Labrador, Churchill Falls1
- Labrador, south shore of Hudson Strait, Port Burwell1
- Lake 25 miles north of Port Harrison1
- Lion's Head Bog, Owen Sound1
- Macmillan Pass1
- Marl Pond Bog, Grande Rivière1
- Middlebrun Bay 3.2 km NE of Silver Islet, Sibley Provincial Park1
- Minnesota1
- Montcalm1
- Munising, just W1
- Newfoundland, Cook Harbor, White Bay1
- Newfoundland, Flower's Cove, St. Barbe1
- No data1
- North of Congdon Creek at south end of Kluane Lake1