- Peach Lake1
- Pecos1
- Pine Lake1
- Presque Isle1
- Prince Edward Island1
- Reed's Lake, Grand Rapids1
- Saskatchewan1
- Sault Ste. Marie1
- Selkirk.1
- Simcoe1
- Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore North Bar Lake.1
- Sucker Lake1
- Thumb Lake1
- Wabasis Creek in Oakfield Twsp. on County Road K 601 - 1 mile south of K 5001
- Walnut Lake1
- Waterloo Mill Pond, Sta. No. 1 T1S, R2E1
- White River at Wild Haw Access Area, Guion.1
- Wild Lake, 50 miles north of Bettles.1
- Williams1
- Woodstock Twp. T5S,R1E,S4, sw1/4 of sw1/4, e. of Cement City Hwy.1