- Near Cat Lake.1
- Near Rexton.1
- Near SW corner Sec. 31. Deerfield twp. Ca. 3 mi. SE of Columbiaville.1
- Near junction of Grand Trunk & N.Y. Central Lines. Schoolcraft.1
- Norman Twp., South bank of Pine River. ca. 0.66 mile s of S.R. 55 and 1.7 miles E. of Snyder Rd; SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec 161
- North Albion 3.2 miles.1
- On Black Creek Road.1
- Osceola1
- Otsego1
- Pleasant Lake.1
- Rock Creek, Washington, D. C.1
- SWSE 1/4, S22, NWNE 1/4, S27, T45N, R18W. Hiawatha National Forest. Flat Oats timber sale area.1
- Sangu, Purig1
- Sequoia Cañon [Canyon]1
- Shore of Lake Huron. U.S.-23 two miles south of county line.1
- Shoreline of Lake Margrethe just west of public beach, Camp Grayling (5 miles SW of Grayling). T26N R04W, Sec. 27 SE1/4 SE1/41
- South Dakota1
- South of cemetery Vicksburg.1
- St. Clair1
- T3S, R3E, se1/4 Sec 29 (Sharon Township, Sharon Hollow)1