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- Welk Creek.1
- Whitney Twp. Mud Lake.1
- Wigwam Bay, on Lake Huron near Bay City.1
- at little used E. end of parking lot 1 block east of U.S.-23 at Elm St. on S. side of town of Standish. Lincoln Twp. T18N, R4E, Sec. 11 N.E.1/41
- at north end of City Limits Rd. 1 1/2 mi. N.E. of Standish. Standish Twp. T18N, R4E, Sec. 1 NW1/41
- ca. 4 mi. W. of Au Gres.1
- in Sterling.1
- in bend of Rifle River at Omer on US 23.1
- near Alger1
- near end of Pt. Lookout, east of Au Gres1
- on SW side of stockyards on NW side of US-23 .6 mi. NE of town of Standish. Lincoln Twp. T18N, R4E, Sec.2, NE1/41
- on the E. bank of Rifle River on S. side of U.S.-23 bridge in village of Omer. Arenac Twp. T19N, R5E, Sec. 15, S.W. 1/41