- "Mine Mountain," above Tasu townsite, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands1
- Above Fort St. John (near mile 106)1
- Above Fort St. John (near mile 78)1
- Above Fort St. John (near mile 97)1
- Anstey Arm, Shuswap Lake1
- Arrowsmith Trail, about 20 miles east of Alberni, Vancouver Island1
- Asulkan Valley1
- Beacon Hill Park, Victoria1
- Bella Coola River1
- Black Tusk Trail, Garibaldi Provincial Park1
- Central Coast1
- Columbia-Shuswap1
- Continental Divide on Windermere Highway, Kootenay National Park1
- Cowichan1
- Crescent Inlet, waterfall from lake on N. side, Moresby I., Queen Charlotte Is.1
- E. of Simpson Peak1
- Eagle Pass Mountains, Canon Creek, near Revelstoke1
- Eagle Pass Mountains, Jordan Creek, near Revelstoke1
- Flower Ridge Trail, Strathocona Provincial Park, Vancouver Island1
- Forbidden Plateau Trail, Strathcona Provincial Park, Vancouver Island1