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- Oak Bay, Vancouver Island; also by streams at Yale1
- On the face of a waterfall in a brook west of Kamloops1
- Paul Lake, Kamloops1
- Peace River1
- Queen Charlotte Islands, South Low Island1
- Revelstoke1
- Sea's Farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island1
- Spillimacheen River and Bobbie Burns Creek basins and "Echo Lake," Jubilee Lookout Mountain Range, near Parson on Hwy 95, Purcell Mountain Range1
- Thompson-Nicola1
- Trail from Wapta Lake, Hector, to Lake O'Hara and Crystal Cave1
- Tsawwassen, near ferry dock1
- Two waterfall area from Kathlyn Glacier on Hudson Bay Mt., Smithers1
- Vancouver1
- Vicinity of Summit Lake above Fort Nelson (near mile 104), on mountains north of small lake.1
- Vicinity of Summit Lake. Above small lake at mile 104 (above Fort Nelson), above timberline on south-facing slope of a high moraine1
- Yoho Valley1