- High Cascade Range. Meadow along southeast side of Humbug Summit Road, at the Cornelia Lott Sank Memorial Spring. Butte Meadows 7.5' quad.1
- Jonesville, by Jones Creek.1
- Justwest of the bridge across Fall River, on the north side of Fall River, about 3 miles north of Lumpkin Ridge Road, about 5 miles (air) northeast of Feather Falls.1
- Lassen National Forest; Along Jones Creek, NE of Jonesville.1
- Lono1
- McLean1
- Middle Honcut Road, west of Honcut, along the edge of Middle Honcut Road, about 3/4 mile east of Highway 70, about 12 miles south of Oroville.1
- North Dakota1
- Northern High Sierra Nevada. Top of south end of Granite Ridge (between Rock Creek & Camp Creek), about 2.3 km south of Kimshew Point. Kimshew Point 7.5' quad.1
- Northern High Sierra Nevada; pond below Lumpkin Ridge Road about 10km east of Feather Falls & about 1.0km southwest of Lumpkin Ridge Road junction with road to Cascade & Fall River; near head of western branch of Know-nothing Creek; Rooted in soft mud1
- Northern Sierra Nevada Foothills. At high water line of Middle Fork Feather River arm of Lake Oroville, at the mouth of Sycamore Creek; 3.1 km north-northeast of the Bidwell Bar Bridge. Oroville Dam quad 7.5' quad.1
- On ground of bank of gully above highway along Feather River1
- On the northwest side of Concow Road at Flea Meadow, about 1/2 mile west of Flea Mountain, about 3 1/2 miles (air) north of Concow Reservoir, about 5 miles (air) east of Magalia.1
- Oroville Dam Quad 7.5' quad. Northern High Sierra Nevada. Near western end of peninsula between Middle & South Forks Feather River arms of Lake Oroville, 2.1 km east of the Bidwell Bar Bridge, next to Craig Saddle Boat-in Campground.1
- Oroville Dam quad. Northern Sierra Nevada Foothills, near west edge of Lake Oroville/North Fork Feather River 6.8 km north of the Spillway Boat Ramp.1
- Oroville Dam quad. Northern Sierra Nevada Foothills. Just below high water line of Lake Oroville on south side of Bloomer Point Campground (west side of the lake); 4.7 km southwest of Bloomer Hill.1
- Peter Ahart Ranch, about 1 1/2 miles north and 1 1/4 miles east of Honcut, about 12 miles (air) southeast of Oroville.1
- Peter Ahart Ranch, about 300 yards east of Palermo Honcut Highway, about 2 1/8 miles north of Honcut, about 12 miles south of Oroville.1
- Richardson Springs 7.5' quad. Sacramento Valley. North end of Chico, along Sycamore Creek 160 m west of Cohasset Road bridge.1
- Riparian Woodland1