- Bayham Township, 1 km NE of Straffordville, Otter Valley Gun Club, KENAS site #64, sand of riffle range.1
- Bayham Township, 3.6 kn ESE of Straffordville Post Office.1
- Bayham Township, Port Burwell Provincial Park.1
- Bayham Tp, 2.2 km NE of Straffordville. "Howie's Woods".1
- City of St. Thomas, St. Thomas Waterworks Reservoir, Dalewood Cons. Area, Kettle Creek.1
- Dunwich Township & Dutton Swamp, 10.3 km SW of Dutton Post Office.1
- Dunwich Township, Hwy 401 at Currie Road (to Dutton), 1.9 km NW of Dutton Post Office.1
- Dunwich Township, Knowles Wildlife Preserve, Dunwich Swamp, 4.5 km SW of Dutton Post Office1
- Dunwich Township, Talbot Creek A.N.S.I, 5.4 km SSE of Iona Post Office.1
- Dunwich Township, Thames River Floodplain ANSI, 9.2 km NNW of Dutton Post Office.1
- Dunwich Township, Thames River Floodplain, ANSI, 9.2 km NNW of Dutton Post Office.1
- Dunwich Township, along abandoned C & O railway, 2.2 km NE of Dutton.1
- Dunwich Township, along rail tracks ca 5 km SW of Dutton (Dutton Swamp).1
- Dunwich Township, along railroad tracks ca 5 km SW of Dutton (Dutton Swamp).1
- Elgin #14, 9 km SE of Rodney.1
- Hwy 401 Service Centre, 4.8 km WSW of Dutton, Dunwich Twp., N. side 4011
- Iroquois Beach Provincial Park, 1/4 mile W. of Port Burwell.1
- Malhide Township, Conc IV, close to the Yarmouth Township line, 4 km east of Sparta, north of road, at east branch of Catfish Creek.1
- North Kent/Elgin Shoreline.1
- Port Burwell, ca 0.75 km from mouth of Big Otter Creek.1