- Mackenzie Mountains, 9 miles SSE of Hole-in-the-Wall Lake.1
- Mackenzie Mountains, O'Grady Lake.1
- Madeline Lake, hills to south. Rt. 4; 15.5 mi. e. of Yellowknife1
- Moraine Point, Great Slave Lake.1
- Muskeg area, SE Talston River1
- Near McDonough Lake, NE. of Mine, vicinity of Eldorado Mine, Port Radium, east end of McTavish Arm, Great Bear Lake1
- North Talston River1
- Porter Lake. Muskeg lake margin.1
- Ragged Range, NE side of Glacier Lake.1
- Rocks above Dumpy Lake, Labine Point, vicinity of Eldorado Mine, Port Radium, east end of McTavish Arm, Great Bear Lake.1
- Ruthledge River, Mackenzie, carte no 75 E1
- Sandy Creek, Mackenzie1
- Sawmill Point, Sawmill Bay, NE tip of Leith Peninsula, Great Bear Lake1
- Slave River, Mackenzie Mtns1
- Slough in bush on mainland about 1 mile south of Fort Simpson Island.1
- Small unnamed lake on south side of Horn Plateau. MacKenzie District. By shore of "Pot Hole" Lake.1
- Taltson River Regoin, north Gagnon Lake1
- Thelon River1
- Unnamed lake southeast of Cartridge Hills. Lake Bank. MacKenzie District.1