- Aqueduct near Benveme ST crossing, vicinity of Wellesley.1
- Arlington.1
- Ashfield.1
- Ashland1
- Border of causeway through bog 1 3/4 miles ESE of Forge Village, Westford.1
- Boston.1
- Cambridge.1
- Cathedral Rocks north of Cathedral Road, Pigeon Cove, Rockport.1
- Clinton Oak woods along railroad track east of Nasua River.1
- Concord. South of Walden Pond, west end.1
- Contact UM Herbarium1
- Dearborn.1
- Dedlam, Charles River Meadows.1
- Dukes1
- East Mtn, near top of facing slope on second traprock ridge north of MA Rt 202, Holyoke.1
- Framingham.1
- Franklin1
- Granny Hill, Lexington.1
- Greenwich village.1
- Harwich.1