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- "Ca. 2 mi or so NW of White Cloud."1
- "Daisy Farm", Rock Harbor, Isle Royale.1
- "Desert" 1 mi. west of Big Prairie1
- "Gleason's Prairie"2
- "Hibiscus field" sw of greenhouses, old UM Botanical Gardens, Iroquois Dr., Ann Arbor.1
- "Meadow Beauty Bog" near Ely Lake.1
- "Mud Lake" marsh.1
- "Ramshead Bog" on M-33.1
- "Simmons" marsh.1
- "State 40" on Vandermullen Rd. 8.5 mi NNE of Lake City.2
- "The Gorge" near Douglas Lake2
- "The Island," along the Huron River, Ann Arbor.1
- "The type says Prof. C.F. Wheeler., Webster's Lake, Grand Rapids Township, Common"1
- "Third Woods" SE of Ann Arbor.1
- "Wild Forty," N. of Oxford; T5N, R10E, sect. 2.1
- "Wilderness Arboretum" Hume Tp. Ca. 14 mi. NW of Bad Axe.1
- "Wilderness Arboretum" ca. 14 mi. NW of Bad Axe (a tract of 120 acres of alternating sand ridges and shallow swales), in Hume Twp.1
- "Wilderness Arboretum" ca. 14 miles NW of Bad Axe in sec.7, Hume Township.1
- "Wilderness Arboretum" ca. 14 miles NW of Bad Axe (A tract of 120 acres of alternating sand ridges and shallow swales in sec. 7, Hume Township.)1
- "Wilderness Arboretum" ca. 14 miles NW of Bad Axe, Hume Twp.4