- Gaylanta Lake1
- Hillman Twp. 1 mi. N. of Co. Rd. 487 at N. end of Pine Oaks Rd., 3 mi. W. of Hillman.1
- Hillman Twp. 300 ft. N.W. of clubhouse of Hillman Sportsman Coub 2.5 mi. N. of Hillman on Co Rd. 451.1
- Hillman Twp. 50 ft SW of Floodwater Inn at corner of M-32 and Farrier Rd. W. of Hillman.1
- Hillman Twp. At N. end of Voyer Lake on W. side of public boat landing.1
- Hillman Twp. At farm home of Art Hunt about 6 mi. W. of Hillman off Hayes Rd.1
- Hillman Twp. On Anchor Cr. one block N. of Progress St. 2 blocks E. of Co. Rd. 451 on N.E. side of town of Hillman.1
- Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec. 16 SE1/4, 1 mi. N. of Pleasant Valley Road on Pine Oaks Road and 1/2 mi. to the east.1
- Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec. 2, N.E.1/4; 200 ft. west of Hillman Sportman's Club 1/2 mi. S. of Bouchy Corners1
- Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec.24 NE1/4 1/2 mile east village of Hillman on Progress St.1
- Hillman Twp. on S. end of town of Hillman. 100 ft. W. of State St. and 200 ft. N. of the Pleasant Valley Rd.1
- Hillman Twp., at Art Hunt farm about 6 mi. W. of Hillman off Hayes Rd.1
- Hillman Twp., at west end of Progress St. ¼ mi. W. of State St. in village of Hillman1
- Hunt Creek SE of Lewiston1
- Hunt Creek, ca. 7.5 mi. SSE of Atlanta.1
- Kellysville Rd.,1
- Lake Twenty Two (Gaylanta Lake)1
- Lake Twenty-Two (Gaylanta Lake)1
- Les Chutes Jean Larose1
- Lewiston, East Twin Lake1