- at E. end of Progress St. 1/2 mi. E. of M-32 on SE side of town of Hillman. Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec. 24, NE1/41
- at NE cor. of Co. Rd. 628 and Tomahawk La. Rd. ca. 10 mi. N. of town of Atlanta. Montmorency Twp. T32N, R3E, Sec.19, SW1/41
- at NE cor. of Co. Rd. 628 and Tomahawk Lake Rd. ca. 10 mi. N. of town of Atlanta. Montmorency Twp. T32N, R3E, Sec.19, SW1/41
- at S. edge of ball-field on N. edge of Emerick Park located on S. side of village of Hillman. Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec. 23, SE1/41
- at east end of Progress Rd. 1/2 mile east of the village of Hillman. Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec. 24, NE 1/41
- at junction of Brush Creek with Thunder Bay Riv. near dam on S. side of Hillman. Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec.23, SE1/41
- at target range of the Hillman Sportsman Club 2.5 mi. N. of Hillman on Co. Rd. 451. Hillman Twp.1
- ca. 1.5 mi. S.W. of Hunt Creek Fish. Station on S.E. shore of West Fish Lake ca. 10 mi. S. of Atlanta. Albert Twp. T29N, R2E, Sec. 34 SW1/41
- ca. 1.5 mi. S.W. on Hunt Creek Fish.Station on S.E. shore of West Fish Lake ca. 10 mi. S. of Atlanta. Albert Twp. T29N, R2E, Sec. 34 SW1/41
- ca. 2 mi. N.E. of Hunt Creek Fisheries Station ca. 10 mi. S. of town of Atlanta. Loud Twp. 200 ft. E. of Hunt Creek Rd.1
- ca. 3 mi. N. of village of Hillman. Hillman Twp.1
- ca. 3.5 mi. NW of Lewiston (sec. 8, T29N, R1E).1
- ca. 400 ft. E. of Co. Rd. 612 ca. 3 mi. S. of Lewiston at the four corners. Albert Twp. T29N, R1E, Sec. 31 SW1/41
- ca. 6 mi. SE of Lewiston. At Middle Fish Lake.1
- ca. 7½ mi. SSE of Atlanta1
- near Avery Lake1
- near S.E. corner of Co. Rd. 612 and Main St. in village of Lewiston. Albert Twp.1
- near east end of Pine Oaks Road on southern boundry of Sec. 16 2.5 mi. west of Hillman. Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec. 16 SW1/41
- on E. side of Co. Rd. 451 2.3 mi. N. of town of Hillman. Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec. 12, NW1/41
- on E. side of M-33 ca. 1 mile N. of Clear Lake Campground ca. 9 1/2 mi. N. of Atlanta. Montmorency Twp. T32N, R2E, Sec. 27 NE1/41