- Devoy Grove, South Fork of Eel River north of Piercy1
- East Redouda Island, NE Coast1
- Fitch Mountain1
- Hastings Reservation, Buckeye Hill1
- Hwy. 29, 3 miles east of summit, on Mt. St. Helena.1
- Idaho1
- Just west of Willow Creek on Hwy. 299 at campground1
- Lake Pend d'Oreille1
- Lower Fraser-Valley, about 4 miles north of Hope1
- Marin1
- Mt. Tamalpais, near Potrero Meadow1
- Napa1
- Olympic National Park, along Whiskey Bend Trail1
- Portland1
- Red Woods1
- Rock Springs1
- Salem1
- San Mateo1
- Santa Cruz and Santa Clara counties1
- Sonoma1