- Road to tree nursery in Jasper-Pulaski forest1
- Sahuarita Butte, near Tucson1
- Salt Lake1
- Salt River, Mackenzie, Map# 85A1
- San Francisco, Mill Valley1
- Sarpy1
- Saskatchewan1
- Scoville Point Trail, Rock Harbor, Isle Royale1
- Sipsey River Recreational Area, ca. 5 miles west of Grayson, Bankhead National Forest, west of river1
- Skagway1
- Snohomish1
- Southern Colorado, within 100 miles of Canyon City1
- Spencer, Old Snow Dam1
- Taylor1
- Texas1
- Trail to Avalanche Lake, Glacier National Park1
- Umiat and vicinity, Colville River1
- Unalaska Island1
- Upper Brookside1
- Upper Valley of the Nesqually1