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- Peace River1
- Pierce1
- Schefferville area, about 17 km NW of Schefferville, snowbed #31
- Sept-Rivières-Caniapiscau1
- Sermersooq1
- Shuksan, Mt. Baker Area1
- Siskiyou1
- Snohomish1
- Stevens Pass, Cascade Crest Trait, south of highway1
- Trinity1
- Tukarak Is. ½ m S. 57 H. B. Co. Pock, Belcher Islands, Hudson Bay1
- Valdez-Cordova1
- Vancouver Island1
- Victoria1
- Whatcom1
- Wolf Lake1
- about 1 mile west of Elk Lick1
- at "glory hole", Latouche. Latouche Isalnd, Prince William Sound1
- below E. Weaver Lake1
- on Appalachian Trail, Mt. Washington, White Mountains, 10½ miles SW1