- Contact UM Herbarium2
- Douglas Lake, along foss and stream near Smith's Bog2
- Fresno2
- Fresno, southeast suburbs2
- Garden Island2
- George Reserve.2
- Grand Traverse2
- Greenland2
- Ithaca2
- Kalamazoo2
- Mason2
- Mecosta2
- Menominee2
- New York2
- Tompkins2
- no data2
- Above L. Mich., ca. 2 mi. s.w. of Cross Village.1
- Aetna Twp. Washington Rd. at White Pine Tr. for first 0.25 mi north of corner.1
- Along 4-Mile Road, about 6½ miles s.e. of Traverse City.1
- Alpena1