- Montmagny1
- Mountain Lake Park Area, along Cardinal River, 2.4 mi. SW of summit of Mountain Park1
- Mud Lake, near1
- NE of Forest Home, Ithaca1
- Near Huckleberry Springs, Durham1
- Near Lac La Blanche1
- Near Langley1
- Near Little Cedar Pond, east of Greenwood Lake1
- Norfleet's Mill Pond, about 4 miles southeast of Halland, Nansemond County1
- North coast of Isle-aux-Grues1
- Northwest Territories1
- Ohio1
- Oxford1
- Papineau1
- Paris, Snow Falls1
- Patuxent Research Refuge, Plot 16781
- Peace Creek, vicinity of Kissinger Spring, 15 miles south of Winter Haven1
- Pelee Point, Lake Erie1
- Pender1
- Percé Mountain, Percé, Gaspé Co.1