- A.A. [Ann Arbor]1
- Alcona1
- Alger1
- Allegan1
- Alma1
- Along M-281
- Alpena1
- Alpena Twp. T31N, R8E, Sec.21, SW1/4 at N.W. edge of Evergreen Cemetery on N. side of M-32 on W. side of Alpena.1
- Cedar Bend, Ann Arbor1
- Cheboygan1
- Cincinnati1
- Cincinnati, Nicholas Longworth's garden1
- Detroit1
- E.S. George Reserve. Grid N-271
- Elmira Twp. T31N, R4W, Sec. 21 SE1/4 on the north side of M-32 ca. 3 miles E. of Elmira.1
- Ford Forestry center, Section 18, T49N, R33W.1
- Gd. Rap. [Grand Rapids]1
- Gratiot1
- Ingham1
- Iron1