- Mills Twp., ca. 9 mi SE of West Branch.1
- N of rd1
- N. side of Maltby Hills Rd.1
- NE1/2 sec. 12, Horton Tp., ca. 6 mi. SE of West Branch.1
- Near Clear Lake.1
- Ogemaw State Forest. Rifle River Campground. On bank of the Rifle River.1
- Ogemaw Twp. At entrance to West Town Plaza (going out of business) ca. 1.5 mi. W. of town of West Branch on N. side of M-55 1/2 mi. E. of L-75.1
- Ogemaw Twp. At parking lot near entrance to West Town Plaza (going out of business) ca. 1.5 mi. W. of West branch on N. side of M-55 1/2 mi. E. of I-75.1
- Ogemaw Twp., ca. 3.5 mi. W. of West Branch.1
- Ogemaw Twp., ca. 3.5. mi. W. of West Branch.1
- Peach Lake1
- Peach Lake ca. 3 1/2 mi. N.E. of West Branch1
- Peach Lake ca. 4 mi. NE of West Branch; NE1/4 Sec. 15, T22N, R2E.1
- Rifle Lake.1
- Rifle River Area, ca. 5.5 mi. ESE of Rose City. Boggy SW end of Spring Lake.1
- Road I-75, opposite Clear Lake campground.1
- Rose Twp. T24N, R2E, Sec. 23 NE1/4 on S. side of Nye Rd. .3 miles west of Campbell ca. 1 1/2 miles W. M-33.1
- Rose Twp. T24N, R2E, Sec. 3, SW1/4. At S. side of Nye Rd. 1.7 mi. NW of Compbell Rd. ca. 5 1/2 mi. NW of Rose City.1
- Rose Twp. ca. 2 1/2 mi. NW of Rose City. .3 mi. W. of Campbell Rd.1
- W end Hardwood Lake, ca. 5 mi. NW of Prescott.1