- James Bay, Moose River, trail to the Doctor's Creek across river from Moose factory1
- Laggan, Rocky Mountains1
- Lake Superior1
- Lake Superior Provincial Park, Agawa Bay, along Lake Superior near Agawa Bay Campground1
- Lake Superior Provincial Park, along tributary of the south branch of the Baldhead River, west of Gamitagama Lake1
- Lincoln1
- Lot 12, Con. III, Yarmouth Township1
- Lot 3, Con A Dunwich Twp., along railway line1
- Malahide Twp., Lot 1, Con I, along Catfish Creek1
- Malahide Twp., Lot 24, Con IV1
- Malahide Twp., Lot 94, north side of Talbot Rd.1
- Mer Bleu, near Ottawa1
- Mount McKay, Fort William.1
- N of Long Portage to Gull Lake, Lake Timagami1
- Near Helen Bay, Manitoulin Island1
- Near Nestorville1
- Nestorville1
- Niagara1
- Oiseau Bay, Pukaskwa National Park1
- On beach of Great Cloche Island, opposite Little Current1