- Carleton Place.4
- George Burke Park, McIntyre River4
- Glen Township, Cavern Lake Canyon and Cavern Lake Creek, 6.7 mi WNW of Dorion4
- Gros Cap, about 10 miles west of Sault Ste. Marie, beside Lake Superior4
- Huntsville4
- Inglis Falls, Sydenham River near Owen Sound4
- Kahshee Lake, Muskoka4
- Kashee Lake, Muskoka4
- Lake Superior Provincial Park, trail near Crescent Lake, north of Montreal River Harbour4
- Leeds and Grenville4
- Lobo Township, Komoka Feed Mill Prairie, 1.3 km NE of Komoka Post Office.4
- Manitoulin Island, South Bay, Leask Bay4
- Mer Bleue, east side of Ottawa, SE of Blackburn Station4
- Monmouth Twp., circa 15 km southeast of Tory Hill4
- Near Cave Springs, along Bruce Trail between Vineland and Beamsville4
- Near Huntsville4
- Orford Township, Clear Creek.4
- Sauble Falls4
- Shore of Lake Huron near Cameron Point, Big Bay4
- Slate Islands, Patterson Island around old lumber camp on McGreevy Harbor, along shore and in swamps4