- Near Ridgway1
- Near Shade Gap1
- Near Sheffield1
- Near Sinnemahoning1
- Near Titusville1
- Near Warren1
- Philadelphia1
- Philadelphia, Wissahickon Park1
- Potters Mills1
- Punxsutawney1
- Raccoon Creek and Route 30 south1
- Sayre1
- Schuylkill1
- Sizerville State Camp1
- State Campgrounds several miles from Gardeau towards Emporium1
- Susquehanna River on way to Renovo1
- Swift Water, in Pocono Mountains, near Heidleberg Cottages1
- Swiftwater, in Pocono Mts., near Heidelberg Cottages1
- Upper Susquehanna, Sayre1
- below and across road from Ice Mine1