- On Vollmar farm on Akron Rd. 0.7 mi. W. of Collin Rd. across from little red brick schoolhouse.1
- S edge SE1/4 sec. 29, Wells Tp., ca. 6 mi. SE of Caro.1
- S. of Murphy L.,1
- SE1/4SE1/4 sec. 26, T12N, R8E, in Vassar State Game Area, ca. 5 1/2 mi. NE of Vassar.1
- SW1/4 SE1/4 sec. 26, T12N, R8E, in Vassar State Game Area, ca. 5 1/2 mi. NE of Vassar.1
- Southwest of Millington; 9595 Arbela Road.1
- Soutwest corner of country; on property at 9595 Arbela Road.1
- T10N R9E Sec 18-19 Murphy Lake State Game Area1
- T10N R9E Sec 19-20 Murphy Lake State Game Area.1
- T10N R9E Sec 17-18 of Murphy Lake Rd.1
- T10N R9E Sec 7-18 Murphy Lake State Game Area1
- Tuscola State Game Area1
- Tuscola State Game Area. East of Highway M-24, south of Bliss Rd.1
- Tuscola Twp. T11N, R7E, Sec.12, SE1/4 at the Lions Park on Cass River in town of Vassar.1
- Vassar Tp., ca. 3 mi. NE of Vassar.1
- Vassar Twp. T11N, R8E, SEc. 7 SW 1/4; at the Lions Park on the west side of village of Vassar.1
- Vassar Twp. TIIN, R8E, Sec. 7 SW1/4; on the S.W. side of village of Vassar.1
- Vassar ca 5.5 mi NE of; Vassar State Game Area1
- Wahjamega,1
- Watertown Tp.1