- Weidman city, Coldwater Lake area,1
- Wells Rd, off of1
- Wells Twp. 2½ mi. SE of town of Caro. East Dayton Rd near Sucker Cr.1
- Wells Twp., ca. 5 mi SE of Caro.1
- Wildner Rd., near Fish Pt. on Saginaw Bay.1
- Wisner township.1
- along Cat Lake Rd.1
- at Lions Park on the west side of village of Vassar. Vassar Twp. T11N, R8E, Sec. 7 SW1/41
- at W. end of the Lions City Park 3 blocks W. of M-15 in town of Vassar. Vassar Twp. T11N, R7E, Sec.12, SE1/41
- at the Lions Park on Cass Riv. in town of Vassar. Tuscola Twp. T11N, R7E, Sec.12, SE1/41
- at the Lions Park on the west side of village of Vassar. Vassar Twp. T11N, R8E, Sec. 7 SW1/41
- ca. 1 mi NW of Mayville, Fremont Tp1
- ca. 2 miles south of Millington.1
- ca. 3½ miles southeast of Caro.1
- ca. 500 ft. W. of Washburn Rd. ca. 1/4 mi. N. of M-46 ca. 11 miles east of Richville. Juniata Twp. T12N, R8E, Sec. 25 SE1/41
- ca. 5½ mi. NE of Vassar, in Vassar State Game Area1
- in Fish Point area of Saginaw Bay.1
- in Tuscola State Game Area on the south side of Washburn Rd. along the Cass River ca. 7 mi. N.E. of Vassar.Indianfields Twp.T12N,R9E,Sec.30 NE1/41
- in Vassar State Game Area, ca. 5½ mi. NE of Vassor1
- in dry open ground near Murphy's Lake1