- Wyoming2
- Adirondack Reserve1
- Aleutian Islands, Attu Island, vicinity of Massacre Bay, Terrible Mountain (Buckner Mountain)1
- Alma1
- Along Chattooga River, Horse Cove, near Highlands1
- Along banks of Aucilla River1
- Along the Potomac River west of Cabin John1
- Alstead1
- Anderson1
- Antrim1
- Apache1
- Arizona1
- Ashland1
- At the summit of Quigley Hill, Kantishna, Alaska Range1
- Banks of Lloyd Creek1
- Barren1
- Bartow's Swamp, vicinity of Kissenger Spring, 15 miles south of Winter Haven1
- Bath1
- Bayfield1
- Beartooth Mountains, near Beartooth Lake cabins1