- Washington Bay, Kuiu Island2
- Wrangell or Petersburg2
- about 1 mile northeast of Boulder, San Lorenzo Canyon, home of Mrs. H. C. Austin; redwood belt2
- Above mine adit, Mahoney Creek, George Inlet, Revillaglgedo Island1
- Alameda1
- Along Bootjack Trail, Cathedral Grove, Muir Woods National Monument1
- Along Man-o-War Brook near outlet to ocean, Acadia National Park.1
- Along San Clemente Creek Valley 400 ft. SWW of the boundary between Rancho San Carlos and Rancho San Clemente1
- Along creek above Kilowana, off Highway 29, 3 miles east of summit, on Mt. St. Helena1
- Along stream Gulch one mile into Mt. Tamalpais Park from entrance1
- At Baxters Camp below Towle1
- Big Sur Park1
- Bishop Pine Lodge, 3 miles south of Trinidad1
- Black Point1
- Contra Costa1
- Darrington1
- Del Norte1
- Grays Harbor1
- Greenbrier, Brushy Mt. Trail, Grauwacke boulder1
- Hancock1