- Calhoun1
- Centreville1
- Clinton1
- Detroit Zoo.1
- Dickinson1
- Essex Twp., Sec. 10, 2 1/2 miles southeast of Maple Rapids1
- Fort Gratiot [on site of Port Huron]1
- G.R. [Grand Rapids]1
- Gogebic1
- Grand Rapids1
- Grand Traverse1
- Green Twp. Sec. 11 NE1/4 T16N, R10W South shore Muskegon R. About 2 1/4 mi. NE of Paris1
- Harrisville Twp. T26N, R9E, Sec. 23 SW 1/4, 1/4 mi. W. of US-23 on N.W. side of Springport Cemetery.1
- Hillsdale1
- Houghton1
- Houghton Co.1
- Huron1
- Idaho1
- Illinois1
- Iroquois1