- Cecil Bay Flats1
- Drummond Island at the Drummond Island Motel on Potagannissing Bay on N. side of Drummond Island. Drummond Twp. T42N, R6E, Sec.18, NE1/41
- Eastern shore of Dead Lake1
- Fayetteville1
- G.R. & I.R.R., Pellston to Levering1
- Houghton Lake Wildlife Research Area (Porter Ranch) ca. 6 km. sw of Houghton Lake.1
- In the NW part of the tract, Flora of the "Wilderness Arboretum," ca. 14 miles NW of Bad Axe, Hume Township1
- Isle Royale, Along shore of Brady Cove, McCargoe Cove1
- Keweenaw1
- Leelanau1
- Luce1
- Missaukee or Roscommon1
- N. side of Sand Point, ca. 5 miles SW of Caseville1
- Near Tahquamenon River at Emerson1
- Northfield Church Rd., 5.3 miles N. Ann Arbor1
- Ontonagon1
- Shanghai Pit, Superior Twp.1
- Speechley's Woods, 2 1/2 miles E. Ann Arbor1
- Walker Twp. Lake 16.1
- Washington1