- Benzie1
- Between M-22 and Hyland Rd., Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.1
- Bibbins Road, 4/10 mi. E. of Moscow Woods; frequent.1
- Big Stone Bay.1
- Biltmore1
- Bog mat E. of Imp Lake, ca. 6.5 mi. SE of Watersmeet.1
- Bois Blanc Island, North shore.1
- Bois Blanc Island.1
- Charlotte1
- Chippewa Co.1
- Coldsprings Twp., near Pickerel Lake.1
- Contact UM Herbarium1
- Crawford1
- Decatur1
- Delta1
- Dickinson1
- Douglas Lake on Maple Point.1
- Eagle Harbor MNA Trail near Lake Superior1
- East Lansing.1
- East shore of South Fishtail Bay of Douglas Lake.1