- Jackson Twp.1
- Kalamazoo1
- Lake1
- Lansingburgh [Coordinates are for jct Northern Dr. & 4th Avenue.]1
- Lapeer1
- Luce1
- MDOT 40, 6.5 km SW of Pinconning.1
- Marl Lake; Orion Twp1
- Massachusetts1
- Maycroft Property (60 acres).1
- Middlesex1
- Mount Mesnard1
- New Hampshire1
- Northwest of Farwell.1
- Ohio1
- Ottawa1
- Ottawa National Forest, Sylvania Recreation Area; Loon Lake, 0.25 mi due north of upper eastern-most cove of1
- O’Neil Lake, SW of Imlay City.1
- Pennsylvania1
- Philadelphia1