- Indiana2
- Junction City, 0.7 miles north of Louisiana on United States Highway 167 at baseball field & adjoining woods.2
- Springfield.2
- Tolland2
- About 5 miles west of Liberty.1
- Along Union County Road 52, 1.4 miles west of Ark 7 east of Caledonia and south of El Dorado.1
- Bank of Catherine Creek Highway near Pole Creek, Wallowa Mts., 16 miles SE Union1
- Beside Ark 275, 3.3 miles north of the Louisiana State Line and 7.2 miles south of Strong.1
- Beside Bayou de' Loutre at bridge on La. 550 north of Laran & La. 15 west of Farmerville.1
- Champagnolle Road northeast of US 167 and El Dorado.1
- Dongola (south), west side of US Route 51, east of Illinois Central Railroad farm road crossing, 2.0 miles south of East Cross Road. Dongola 7.5 minute USGS quadrangle.1
- Florida1
- Grande Ronde Lake, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.1
- Illinois Route 3 (FAP 312), Ware (south), west side, 0.35 mile north of Refuge Drive, 2.3 miles south of junction Illinois Route 146 (Ware) south side of bridge over Running Lake Ditch just north of drainage culvert at pavement marker 222, Mississippi Riv1
- Illinois Route 3 (FAP 312), west side opposite cluster of silos, south of Reynoldsville, just north of Davis Road (095N), 5 miles north of East Cape Girardeau Road (Illinois Route 146). Mississippi River floodplain, McClure 7.5 minute USGS quadrangle.1
- Junction City vicinity, 2.0 miles north of Louisiana on United States Highway 167 between two large bridges along causeway over Corney Bayou.1
- Junction City vicinity, population 813, about one mile north at Cornie Bayou along U.S. Hwy. 1671
- Maine1
- Mississippi1
- Near Minam River and highway Ore. 82, 0.1 mile west of county line, 12.8 miles east of Elgin1