- Lake Michigan1
- Lake Michigan shoreline, southwest corner of Covert Township Park1
- Magician Beach1
- Mainly on SE side of Fish Hatchery Rd, 1.05 mi NE of intersection with M43. ½ mi from Kzoo county line.1
- Near Lawton, near railroad1
- Near south shore of Bankson Lake.1
- On SW side of Keeler Lake, ca. 2 mi. SE of Keeler.1
- Palisades Park, 8 miles south of South Haven1
- Palisades Park.1
- Paw Paw Tp., ca. 3.5 mi. SW of Paw Paw.1
- Pine lake, Keeler.1
- Plant No. 1. from Sec. 24. Washington, Twns. Westergreen farm No. 2. third station down creek1
- Porter Twp., ca. 1.5 mi. SE of Lawton.1
- Probably along the road from Kalamazoo to St. Joseph.1
- Rd. E. of Bankson Lake1
- Remynse's hayfield1
- Roadside park at Van Buren County Fairgrounds, 1.7 miles west of Clinton on St. Hwy. 16 (from U.S. Hwy. 65).1
- Round Lake1
- Sister Lakes1
- South Haven, Black River,1