- Cascade Mountains, Upper Valley of the Nesqually4
- Darrington4
- Florida4
- Hoh River, Olympic Peninsula4
- Klickitat4
- Machias bog, 10 mi SE of Machias4
- Olympic National Park, Lake Crescent, at base of Marymere Falls4
- Olympic National Park, along Hoh River trail4
- San Juan4
- Ten Mile Township4
- Along road at base of Mt. Pilchuck3
- Big 4 Inn3
- Big Lake3
- Bird Creek, Mt. Adams3
- Blewett Pass, old highway 4.6 miles north of junction with Highway 973
- Brown Island3
- Fish Hill, 2.75 miles east-northeast of Whitehall3
- Hurricane Ridge, Olympic Mts.3
- Island3
- Mt. Pilchuck3