- McQuesten Area; Bear Creek Valley1
- Mile 3 from Alaska Highway on road to Atlin below Mt. White.1
- Mile 718, Alaska Highway1
- Mile 88 on road from Stewart Crossing to Dawson.1
- Mountain east of Mt. Archibald, near Mile 1023, Alaska Highway1
- Mountain slope on east side of Big Arm, Kluane L.1
- Mountain slopes above Mile 100, Haines Highway1
- Mountain slopes above Mile 100, Haines Highway (near B.C. border)1
- Mountain slopes east of the mouth of Slim's R, Kluane L.1
- Mountain slopes east of the mouth of Slim's R., Kluane L.1
- Mt. McIntyre, south of Whitehorse1
- Mt. east of Mt. Archibad, near Mile 1023, Alaska Highway1
- Muskeg, Alsek River valley near mi 1021.1
- N slope of mt. north of road, valley slopes & mountain summits about 7 miles east of Little Atlin Lake.1
- N. of Congdon Creek (at S. end of Kluane Lake)1
- NE side of Teslin Lake, 8 miles above Teslin P. O.1
- NE slope of Mt White, slopes & mountain summits about 7 miles east of Little Atlin Lake.1
- Narrow creek between upper & lower Snafu Lakes.1
- Near Bear Creek about 8 miles east of Dawson1
- Near Johnson Crossing.1