- McKenzie Pass, about 7 miles east of the Pass1
- Menominee River, above1
- Mineville1
- Mount Logan Region, Big Chimney, slope of Mount Collins, Fernald Basin1
- Mount Mansfield1
- Mount Roen, Ragand1
- Mount Washington1
- Mt. Everett1
- Mt. Osceola, Lincoln, Split Creek Ravine1
- N fork Canon Creek, Golden1
- Near Biological Station, west of Turner Valley1
- Near mile 56 (above Teslin P. O.)1
- Nipissing1
- Nord-du-Quebec1
- North shore of St. Paul's I., L. Nipigon1
- O'Hara Valley1
- Oldman River Watershed, beside creek from North Fork Pass to Dutch Creek, 2 miles north-northeast of the summit of Mount Erris, High Rock Range, N18-11-5-W51
- Oldman River Watershed, ½ mile south of Savanna Creek, 3¼ miles east-southeast of the summit of Pasque Mountain1
- Olympic Peninsula, Olympic National Forest1
- Ootsa Lake, northern Tweedsmuir Park1