- Along Hwy. 229 about 9 miles east of Bella Vista1
- Along Hwy. 299 about 9 miles east of Bella Vista1
- Along road at base of Mt. Pilchuck1
- Arch Rock, below Alum Cave, Mt. LeConte trail1
- Aroostock Falls, Andover1
- Attu Island, Massacre Bay1
- Ausable River, Wilmington Notch1
- Baie Déception, Nouveau-Québec1
- Benoit's River, Humber Arm, Humber1
- Bethlehem1
- Black Mt., Lake George, Barber Trail1
- Blissfield1
- Brooks Range, slopes of canyon near Wiseman1
- Ca. 2 km SE of Waubamik, McDougall Township1
- Cabin John Run between C. J. and Wildwood1
- Canady Creek1
- Cane Brake, Toxaway River, Southwest of Rosman, river bank1
- Cascade Mountains, Upper Valley of the Nesqually1
- Cassiar1
- Chandler Mt., Camp Sumatunga1