- Ottawa1
- Owen Sound1
- Point Barrow and vicinity1
- Port San Juan, Evans Island1
- Richland1
- Rivere Bonaventure, at bridge 8 miles upstream1
- Rocky Mountain National Park, Poudre Lakes1
- San Juan1
- Santa Cruz1
- Schenectady1
- Snow Shed trail, Chiricahua Mountains1
- St. Edmund Twp., Tobermory lighthouse area1
- Sundance Caryon, 3 mi. SW of Banff1
- Thunder Bay D., Kakabeka Falls1
- Vicinity of Albany, Johnsons Gorge, east of Hoffmans1
- Vicinity of Summit Lake. Above small lake at mile 104 (above Fort Nelson), above timberline on south-facing slope of a high moraine1
- Washington1
- Winona1
- Wisconsin1
- Woodstock1