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- Pellston1
- Pte. MouillÄe State Game Area1
- S 1/2 Sec. 29 T43N-R32W ca. 1/2 mi. S. Crystal Falls.1
- SE 1/2 Sec 19 T50N-R28W South of Yellow Dog River.1
- SE corner of Gravel Ridge Rd. & Lake Montcalm Rd., sec. 6, T11N, R8W.1
- SE1/4 Sec 2 T48N-R45W ca. 4 mi. SE of Little Girl's Point.1
- SW1/4 Sec 22 T43N-R32W Runkle Lake1
- Schoolcraft1
- Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore at corner of Fredrickson Rd. and M-22.1
- Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore on Benzie/Leelanau line1
- South Manitou Island Island cemetery Sec. 33.1
- St. Joseph1
- Sugar Beet Island City of Menominee1
- Wayne1
- [Biological Station] Baseline.1
- along U.S. Highway 41 about 3 mi. south of Houghton.1
- at little used E. end of parking lot 1 block east of U.S.-23 at Elm St. on S. side of town of Standish. Lincoln Twp. T18N, R4E, Sec. 11 N.E.1/41
- frequent on Lone Rock in Lake Superior, sec. 24, T51N, R44W, Porcupine Mountains State Park.1
- near the mouth of Birch Creek1
- on the Loop Rd. on W. side of town of Hesperia. Newfield Twp. T14N, R15W, Sec.25, SE1/41