- Baffin Island, Perry Bay, Meta Incognita Peninsula2
- Baffin Region2
- Bat Island, Isle Royale2
- Berkshire2
- Between the Forks and Brûlé Brook, Little Cascapedia River2
- Burke2
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Paquette Lake2
- Charlevoix2
- Cheboygan2
- Cheshire2
- Colchester2
- Connecticut2
- Copper Falls State Park, above Bad River2
- Division No. 52
- Dresden2
- Fort Wrigley2
- Gorge of Moxie Stream, Township No. I, E. of the Kennebec, Fifth Range of Bingham'€™s Purchase2
- Greene2
- Gros Cap, about 10 miles west of Sault Ste. Marie2
- Hardin2