- Ha-Ha Bay, White Bay2
- Hastings2
- Huron2
- Iowa2
- Island of Silumiut, Hudson Bay2
- Kalkaska2
- Livingston2
- Marysville2
- Matanie2
- Mostly within 100 miles of Canyon City2
- NE slope of Bear Mts about 5mi SE of Dawson Creek2
- Near Wiseman, Brooks Range2
- Olga Bay2
- Olympic Hot Springs2
- Ottawa2
- Perry Bay, Meta Incognita Peninsula2
- Port Austin2
- Port Burwell, Hudson Bay2
- Poste de la Baleine, Great Whale River, Baie d'Hudson, 2½ miles au sudest du poste2
- Providence Bay, Manitoulin Island, northern Lake Huron2