- Rivière-du-Loup2
- Saskatchewan2
- Shore of Cloud Lake, N. of Imuruk Lake, Seward Peninsula2
- Skjoldungen district, Itivdlerssauq, Langnaesset2
- Suffolk2
- Tobin Harbor, Isle Royale2
- Tukarak Is., near Long Lake, Belcher Islands, Hudson Bay2
- Tulare2
- Vicinity of Grand Marais2
- Vincinity of Point Barrow2
- West Virginia2
- White Bay North2
- Willoughby2
- Yakutat2
- Yoho Pass, Rocky Mountains2
- near Sand Pond, Marlow2
- no data2
- 0.4 km. E. of SE. end of Long Point Bay, 6 km. NE. of Black Sturgeon Research Station1
- A.C.C. Main camp1
- Abitibi-Ouest1