- Little Fakanis Lake, Yakobi Island.1
- Mackinac1
- Macon1
- Mendocino1
- Mont Albert, Gaspesian Park, Gaspé Nord.1
- Montcalm1
- Mount LeConte.1
- Mount Yamnuska P. 2.1
- Near Bird Cove, 10-12 miles east of Fort Churchill. On road to Twin Lake Hill.1
- Near E. Lempster.1
- Near turnoff to Saint Anthony Bight, upstream from Rte. 73.1
- New Hampshire1
- New York1
- North Slope1
- North of Minerva.1
- Nunavut1
- Omineca Mountains, Peak Range.1
- Omineca Mountains, Swannell Range, just east of Sustut Lake.1
- On slopes of Mount Temple 5 miles east of Lake Louise on road to Moraine Lake.1
- One mile south of Albion.1