- Chugach Mts, Anchorage1
- Clackamas1
- Clearwater1
- Clyde River, Baffin Island1
- Colchester1
- Contra Costa1
- Cordova1
- Cotter Island1
- Craig Harbour, Ellesmereland1
- Denali1
- Devon Island; Truelove Lowland1
- Dewey's Cone, on Mauna Loa Truck Trail1
- District of Keewatin, Baker Lake1
- Division No. 101
- Driftwood Camp, near headwaters of the Utukok River, north slope of De Long Mountains, Brooks Range1
- East of Wiseman, Brooks Range1
- East side of Priest Lake, along Indian Creek1
- Eclipse Lake, Ungava Expedition1
- Edmonds Ponds, N. Elba1
- Ellesmere Island, Head of Tanquary Fiord, 7 km NE of Tanquary Base1