- Richmond Gulf, East Coast of Hudson Bay; south of Wiachewan Bay1
- Rock Harbor, Isle Royale.1
- Roscommon1
- Sharon1
- Sibley Township, Sibley Peninsula, Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Lake Superior.1
- Simcoe1
- Smuggler's Notch.1
- Somers wooded sumit of Bald Mountains.1
- Southeast corner of intersection of M-28 and Creighton Truck Trail.1
- St. Clair1
- St. Lawrence River, Betsiamites.1
- To the E. side of a road along the W. side of Great Wass Island1
- Tolland1
- Ugashik1
- Vicinity of Godthoab1
- Virginia1
- Walpole Island, Altman Road North Prairie1
- Wayne1
- Williamstown1
- Wingham1