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- Description:
- On reverse: "Located near Moores River Drive in southwest Lansing, Michigan's Capital City, it is the official residence of the State's Chief Executive. In addition, the citizens of Michigan provide a summer mansion for their Governor on Mackinac Island, in the Straits of Mackinac."
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Caterino Postcard Collection
- Description:
- "Your claim for refund of gasoline tax, received by this Department on above date will be known by the first number shown at the right of the address on the opposite side of this card. The second number is the number of gallons for which you claim refund. As soon as found correct, your claim will be sent to the Auditor General for payment."
- Date Created:
- 1935-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Caterino Postcard Collection
- Description:
- Located at 525 W. Michigan Ave. On reverse: "1955 Small Game Hunter's Report - Resident or Nonresident"
- Date Created:
- 1955-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Caterino Postcard Collection
- Description:
- "The driver license that was issued to you approximately three years ago will soon expire. Application for a renewal license should be made as soon as possible at your local examining station unless you have already taken care of this matter. When re-applying you must present to your examiner your expiring license or the number and expiration date of same, which must be secured from the Michigan Department of State, Driver License Division, Lansing, 18. This notice does not apply to those whose license is currently suspended or revoked."
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Caterino Postcard Collection
- Description:
- "This certifies that the person herein named has registered automobile as described".
- Date Created:
- 1917-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Caterino Postcard Collection
- Description:
- Located at 525 W Michigan Ave. "Ye who pass by and would raise your hand against me, harken ere you harm me. I am the heat of your hearth on cold winter nights, the friendly shade screening you from the summer sun, and my fruits are refreshing draughts quenching your thirst as you journey on. I am the beam that holds your house, the board of your table, the bed on which you lie, and the timber that builds your boat. I am the handle of your hoe, the door of your homestead, the wood of your cradle, and the shell of your coffin. I am the bread of kindness and the flower of beauty. Ye who pass by, listen to my prayer. "Harm me not".
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Caterino Postcard Collection
- Description:
- Allen L. Bours, Secretary
- Date Created:
- 1877-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Caterino Postcard Collection
- Description:
- "The driver license that was issued to you approximately three years ago will soon expire. Application for a renewal license should be made as soon as possible at your local examining station unless you have already taken care of this matter. When re-applying you must present to your examiner your expiring license or the number and expiration date of same, which must be secured from the Michigan Department of State, Driver License Division, Lansing, 18. This notice does not apply to those whose license is currently suspended or revoked."
- Date Created:
- 1953-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Caterino Postcard Collection
- Description:
- Oramel B. Fuller, Auditor General
- Date Created:
- 1921-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Caterino Postcard Collection
- Description:
- Located at 530 W Allegan. On reverse: "Mr. Bear Hunter: Our records show that you bought a 1968 bear license. It is very important that we obtain some information on your hunting, so we are asking you to fill out and return the attached questionaire. In order to be sure that two or more hunters do not report the same bear, we are asking that you REPORT GETTING A BEAR (Question 3) ONLY IF YOUR SEAL WAS USED ON A BEAR. Remember, include only hunting done under authority of a bear license. It is not necessary to report bears killed during the regular firearm deer season. Your information is absolutely necessary for planning future bear hunting regulations, so please be sure to answer all of the questions and mail the card soon. Thank you, Michigan Department of Natural Resources"
- Date Created:
- 1968-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Caterino Postcard Collection