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Teichner, Mrs. Jacob F.
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- Description:
- This slightly yellowed paper envelope contained a 12-page letter that was written by Mrs. Jacob F. Teichner (maiden name: Fannie Freedman). The front of the envelope has a handwritten title, "Hebrew Homes and Charities in Detroit" and is signed "Mrs. Jacob F. Teichner." The back flap of the envelope is sealed with red wax that has been impressed with a square design that contains the intitials, "FCT."
- Date Issued:
- 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Historical Society
- Collection:
- Detroit Anniversaries
- Description:
- This 12-page letter was handwritten in black ink on slightly yellowed paper by Mrs. Jacob F. Teichner (maiden name: Fannie Freedman) who was the Recording and Corresponding Secretary of the Detroit Ladies Society for the Support of Hebrew Widows and Orphans. The paper is made of linen, but the watermark is not readable. The pages are bound at the top with a narrow red ribbon (not shown in the digital images) and the first page is entitled "Hebrew Homes and Charities in Detroit." The text of the letter has been transcribed as follows: "Hebrew House and Charities in Detroit" The closing of this nineteenth century finds the Hebrew charities of Detroit established in such form that any and all cases of need and suffering find those who can minister counsel and alleviate the distress that seeks relief. We need only to recognize that charity is duty, and our highest ideal should be the fulfillment of that duty which brings its own reward. It was in 1863 that a few benevolent ladies banded themselves together and incorporated the first Jewish charitable organization in Detroit. The charter members of this Society were Mesdames Fanny Heineman, Rosalie Frankel, Betty Butzel, Fanny Lambert and Caroline Freedman (my beloved mother). Its name "The Detroit Ladies Society for the support of Hebrew Widows and Orphans" its object is obvious from its name. This Society has lived and thrived, has succored the poor widow when in her darkest hour she was almost in despair and today it numbers a membership of one hundred and eighty ladies from whose dues of four dollars each per year together with interest of its invested endowment fund of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) the relief work is carried on. This gradually acquired endowment represents chiefly the result of annual entertainments formerly given by the Society. The present officers are :- Mrs. Fanny Heineman - President Mrs. J. Selling - Vice-President Mrs. F. Marrymount - Finan. Sec'y. Mrs. F. Teichner - Rec. and Cor. Sec'y. Mrs. A. Engass - Treasurer The annual meetings are held the first Thursday of October; quarterly meetings, January, April, July and October. Trustees of whom there are twelve meet monthly. A few years after the ladies Society had started in its good word the "Hebrew Bethel Relief Society" was formed by gentlemen who for many years carried on systematic and efficient rendering of assistance to the destitute and needy. The funds required being contributed by the Jewish citizens of the city. Later a second Relief Society was established and each in its way cared for the poor and suffering. Prominent among the early charitable organizations was the "Ladies Serving Society" its aim and object the supplying of garments and house hold goods. From the first gathering of a few earnest workers meeting weekly to sew for the poor this Society has grown to have one of the largest memberships of any and this past year eighty five applicants were supplied most of whom were mothers of large families, the number of garments distributed were 1394 - dry goods 1716 - shoes 338 pair - bed linen 336 pieces - comforters 59. The meetings are held each Thursday afternoon from November until May and an average of fifty ladies industriously fashion the garments for distribution. The present officers are, Mrs. Sarah Berger - Pres. Mrs. L. Wineman 1st Vice-Pres. Mrs. J. Wurzburger 2nd Vice-Pres. Mrs. A. Sloman Sec'y. and Treas. In 1889 Mrs. Sarah Krolik founded the Self Help Circle ably assisted by Mrs. Sarah Berger. The object of the Society was educational more than charitable and always teaching the children the value of independence. Beginning with only five pupils the enrollment this year numbered one hundred and eighty three. In the serving classes the girls are taught plain serving, parching and darning by a regular system, the kitchen garden instructs them in housework cleanliness and the beautifying of every day life, while in the kindergarten the younger ones enjoy their songs and games and come with their elder sisters on Saturday afternoon to attend the library class - three hundred volunteers with the necessary book cases being the generous gifts of Mrs. Henry Krolik. The boys have various evening classes and receive the benefits of manual training in several branches. The officers are - viz:- Mrs. Alfred Rothschild - President Mrs. M. Rosenfield - Vice. Pres. Miss J.V. Kopple - Sec'y. Mrs. L.M. Franklin - Treasurer The rooms are at 379 Brush St, the girls classes meeting on Tuesday - the boys classes meet every evening. Through the mentoring efforts of Rabbi Franklin this past year saw the meeting of various charities under the name of the "United Jewish Charities" combining all with the exception of the "Ladies Hebrew Widows and Orphans" which felt that its work should be done as heretofore by women for women, maintaining that poverty caused by the death of the bread winner is different from that caused by shiftlessness and to prove that the lot of the widow and the children is not nearly so hard when special and permanent provision exists for them, when mothers can come for counsel as well as for cash, so that they can rear their children to better destinies. The united charities is supported entirely by contributions and the results of its first year's work has been most gratifying, showing plainly how much was accomplished. Total receipts from two hundred and forty five subscribers - $4283.85 - disbursements by the Ladies Serving Society $567.80 - by the Self Help Circle $116.62 - General Expenses $462.14 - Assisted seventy four families $2498.72 - transportation to eighty five persons $312.44 - donations to fifty eight persons $148.90 - Expense for recent arrived Roumanians $97.43 - Total expenditures $4204.05. The executive board meets 1st Tuesday in every month, the Relief Board meets every Thursday evening at 379 Brush St. The officers are - G.W. Simons - President Samuel Heavenrich - 1st Vice. Pres. Mrs. Sarah Berger - 2nd Vice. Pres. A. Benjamin - Sec'y. E.H. Van Baalen - Treas. Joseph Wertheimer - Supt. The "Gemilas Chasodim" Society deserves mention, an admirable system of charity that preserves character and obviates the stigma of receiving alms. One who still possesses pride and yet is in need of immediate assistance is permitted to return a loan without interest in small installments and thus cancel his obligations has been aided at no sacrifice of his personal character, provided such a system is carried on in strict confidence. With the great increase in foreign immigration, a larger field for the systematically organized Hebrew charity is being opened, nor is it distinctively sectarian charity, for so long as poor people of any race or creed to assist themselves, while it keeps them and their children from street begging or from the poor master's door, it cannot be said to be doing special but rather communal charity. Hebrew charitable homes or institutions have as yet found no place in this city, yet most of the Jews of Detroit contribute to the support of the Cleveland Orphan Asylum and Old Folk Home. The betterment of the quarters now occupied by the poor is a problem to be solved, we trust in the near future and the erection of suitable tenements will do much to improve the condition of the destitute. The enormous possibilities spreading out in this new century brings with it the promise that the naked shall be clothed and the hungry shall be fed in the truest way, the best methods yet undreamed of. Then welcome to this New Year and Century. Bring out the old, ring in the new. The year is going, let him go. Bring out the false, ring in the true. Mrs. Jacob F. Teichner (nee Fannie Freedman) Monday, December Thirty-first 1900"
- Date Issued:
- 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Historical Society
- Collection:
- Detroit Anniversaries